She is Passionate Purpose

She is the pure power of Creation, strong and mighty.

What she desires, she creates, with focused intention and trust in manifestation.

She is assured, for she feels HER power coursing through her.

She will not stand down, not in the face of fear nor self-doubt.

She has chosen that before and now sees that way of being is not meant for her.

Her fierce presence is self-love without condition, a Lioness radiating love and power to everything around her.

She is not meek, nor will she ever be mild, for that is not what she was born for.

She is passionate purpose, manifesting in compassionate service to the sacred fire of the feminine.

She patiently observes without blame for she knows the wisdom of BEing this way.

To fight FOR her cause requires no enemy and would only waste energy.

She knows she is rebirthing herself and her world in the Cauldron of Creation.

Force is not necessary, she is simply gestating, nurturing, and nourishing what will burst forth in Spring’s new beginning.

Everything she desires is for her; awareness and primal feminine knowing.

Success is assured and she trusts in this ancient wisdom.

SHE births ALL things in perfect timing.

And so it is.

Photo by Cullan Smith on Unsplash



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