Heart Song

You are exploding into a symphony of epiphanies, just flow with it.

Even if the path has many twists and turns, it will take you where you need to go.

That’s the beauty of the infinite path of transformation.

You can’t know or control everything that lies ahead, but you can trust.

SHE knows, for SHE is Nature and the nature of change.

Flow and release resistance, for it only delays transformation and prolongs suffering.

Trust in the intelligence of the Great Creatrix, and HER guidance will flow through you.

Your Soul is calling to you.

Do you hear her heart song?

Not yet?

Just listen a little longer and you will hear her echo.

SHE speaks through the heart, the Soul, the birds, and the trees.

SHE sings through rippling waters and torrential currents, through the Sun smiling and the Moon’s vibration.

You are ALL, and ALL are within YOU.

And so it is.

Photo by Glauber Sampaio on Unsplash


Soul Storms


The Armor of Resentment