Rebirth is NOW
Magic is in the Air, and an indescribable knowing. I breathe her in, flowing.
A river of grace and ease; knowing.
Spirals of energy and rippling currents under smooth water; nourishing.
Muddy water dissolving into crystal clear peace; life-force emerging.
Womb expanding and wisdom growing; rebirth is near.
Gaia, robust, with the vitality to move mountains; power showing.
Earth, Water, Fire, Air, swirling in a symphony of ancient truths; meeting, colliding, and exploding into Ether.
Nothingness and ALL-ness; floating.
Infinite explosions of both curiosity and knowing; the Empress crowned with the stars of Creation.
Abundant and overflowing; infinite.
I see Heaven NOW; veil lifted to blooming truth.
Perfection, wholeness, me, and SHE; life is NOW and Now is rebirth.
Photo by Sebastian Unrau on Unsplash